为什么在网赌平台网站学习写作? 大学新生写作... 很多!
At New College you’ll find yourself challenged to produce all different kinds of writing, from literature reviews and lab reports to longer research or persuasive papers. However we don’t expect you to be a flawless writer when you first step foot on campus. 而, we will work with you to help you transfer your knowledge of reading and writing from high school to your first year, 从你们以前的机构转到我们的机构, 从你的新大学课程到你的论文, 并最终, 从网赌平台网站到毕业后的生活.
写作计划’s mission is to offer the highest quality of writing 教育 at New College. 要做到这一点, the Writing Program draws upon current research to create and support a cohesive set of innovative and intellectually rigorous courses as well as to develop dynamic resources for the entire campus community.
Writing Program faculty and Student Writing Assistants are here to help with any type of writing, 在你写作的任何阶段. 写作资源中心修辞学与写作
的 修辞 & 第二专业方向(辅修) 课程以写作理论和写作教学法为基础, 其中课程的内容是写作. All 修辞学与写作 courses include both formal and informal writing assignments, 提供多种反馈/前馈的机会, 并促进正在进行的修改写作过程和产品. 点击这里了解更多
为了努力培养自己的写作理论, students in this course will explore foundational texts in fields such as writing studies, 教育心理学与应用语言学. 学生 will have the opportunity to apply those theories to developing their own writing processes by reflecting back on their formative literacy experience as well as by transferring their knowledge of writing from high school to college. 学生 will be introduced to rhetorical genre studies in order to investigate the genre conventions of their anticipated areas of concentration. 学生 who successfully complete this course will leave well prepared to take on the challenges of college-level writing in any discipline.
在整个课程中, students will learn to transfer their knowledge of academic writing to non-academic contexts. 的 on-campus portion of the course will be focused on exploring threshold concepts of writing, 个人作家在社区中的角色, 以及修辞体裁研究. Questions to be considered include: Why do your ideas about writing matter? 写作是如何帮助人们完成工作的? 意义是如何在语境中构建的? 的 off-campus portion of this course will enable students to intern approximately 4 hours a week with a local nonprofit or community organization focusing on 教育, 艺术, 环境, or health/human services; during their internship, 学生将调查, 分析, and eventually produce genres of writing that these organizations use to communicate to their various stakeholders and to achieve their missions. 这门课结束的时候, students will understand and be able to articulate how the writing and research skills they are developing at New College can be adapted into writing contexts outside of academia. Ideal for: 2nd and 3rd Years who are interested in exploring writing in professional contexts. Prerequisites: Preference given students who have taken a Writing Studies or Writing Enhanced Course.
本课程邀请学生探索科学写作, or the writing scientists do to communicate their research to other scientists or science-focused communities. Particular emphasis will be given to analyzing the differences in genres of scientific writing, 包括格式等类型惯例的差异, 语气, 紧张的, 引用系统. Designed to support scientific inquiry alongside the writing process, 本课程也包括书目阅读的注意, 描写性写作, 过程写作, 发展研究实践. 这个类是面向过程的, meaning much of the content learned will be practiced in-class; regular attendance is required. 先决条件:关于写作的写作, 关于自然科学写作的写作, 自然科学写作强化课程, 或导师许可.
Exploring the Essay is an advanced writing course offered to any student who has taken any Writing Studies or WEC (writing enhanced course) at 网赌平台网站. This course examines both the tradition of and experimentation with the essay form. This course takes its momentum from the definition of essay which reads, “to prove, or try.有了这样一个开放式的定义, we will examine the questions which traditional and contemporary writers seek to define, 或测试. 学生 will engage central questions to our course: What makes an essay? 作者的角色是什么? 一篇文章能完成什么? 谁会阅读或参与一篇文章? By practicing and applying writing techniques across disciplines within Writing Studies, Exploring the Essay will provide students with opportunities to further develop skills to:
-识别和预测不同受众的需求 -识别和应用创造性的非小说写作技巧 -阅读不同学科、不同复杂程度的文章 在整个学期中进行持续的写作练习 -为不同的受众和语境进行修辞性的阅读和写作
This course will offer an introduction to the theory and practice of one-on-one peer instruction, 特别是在写作领域. 学生 will develop a foundation in theory and practice in writing studies, 教育, and communication from which they will be able to construct their own writing tutoring philosophies. 学生 will: explore ways in which learners approach reading and writing and why these approaches are highly individualized; consider the impact that previous literacy knowledge has on acquiring new literacy knowledge; discuss and explain practical approaches to tutoring; and observe and practice tutoring in the New College 写作资源中心. This course is a requirement for any student who wishes to apply to be a student writing assistant (SWA) in the New College 写作资源中心. 的re are no prereqs for this course, and it is open to any year or AOC.